13 years.. Can you believe it's been that long?
Could you have ever imagined we'd be where we are now?
Waking up in each others arms..
at 3 am...
to the sound of the dog barfing outside our bedroom door??
Darn Father's Day Fish Fry grease..
Every year has it's share of ups and..
But this year in particular has held a lot of changes for us.
I wish I knew how you really felt about it..
I know starting my photography business has been exhausting at times.
It's taken a lot of energy
and determination.
But I admire how you're always willing to help me out..
when I'm testing my settings,
need help scouting locations,
Or even trying new poses...
I want you to know I see you.
And all you do for us.
You sure know how to make us happy.
And when we're strapped for enough seating arrangements,
we know we can always count on you
to be available.
Wherever we are.
Our life is crazy and chaotic at times,
But you always make it fun.
You embrace the chaos,
and saddle right up to the horse duck.
I love to watch you pursue your passions.
(sometimes while I can pursue mine at the same time..)
and share those passions with our kids,
teaching them so much about life along the way.
You are their greatest supporter
and biggest fan.
And also apparently a better nail painter.
You still romance me at Valentines Day in your own unique way
(and ultimately make me feel guilty for not doing anything nice for you..)
And you always make me feel beautiful even when.. wellll...
I love your silliness,
sense of fun,
and adventure.
You build the best snowmen,
and snow tunnels,
and have the most fun snowball fights.
Even the dog prefers you.
And you know what you're really good at?
That dance called "The Toothpick".
Some people might know it as "The Floss" but to you and in this house it shall forever be referred to as "The Toothpick"
So here's to 13 more amazing years of weathering life's storms together.
There's no one else I'd rather share this life with.
Good night.
Peace out.