Monday, June 11, 2012

highlight reel

On my last post a friend of mine commented that she had seen a quote on Pinterest that said "Don't compare someone else's highlight reel to your behind the scenes"

Leave it to Pinterest to say in a mere 11 words what I blabberingly used hundreds to try to convey..

That SO describes what I was trying to say. Perfectly. (In case some of you were still trying to figure it out.. It's ok. I understand.)

So here's a few snapshots from our highlight reel this morning..


Total hit

Yes, those are army guys being crushed by hot lava.
And yes, my canister in the background says "brown ugar".. Some little monkey must have tore off my 's'


  1. You are so right. I have to tell myself that all of the time. Everyone has a side that they don't show. Who wants to see piles of laundry and food on the floor? Those photos never make someone's blog!

  2. Thanks for taking me back a few years....same positions and pose, different boys but pretty much the same smiles!! :-) Your boys look more alike all the time.

    1. that's funny rhonda.. i'd been putting off doing that for awhile because of time/mess/energy but i'm SO glad i did. they LOVED it! who cares that the remains are still sitting on my counter?? :)

  3. SO cute! I bet they had the BEST time making LAVA! :D

  4. For some reason, I comment on people's blogs and they disappear. It is clearly something I am doing wrong, yet I feel like I want to blame facebook or something (even though we aren't actually blogging ON facebook, I feel like it should be their fault. I'm not sure why...) ANYWAY...I wrote to you this morning to tell you how much I LOVE this post and how I LOVE that you do the things with your kids that I say I would like to do with mine and then never do. Only when I wrote it this morning it sounded MUCH wittier and MUCH more entertaining. Of course, I'm not sure what makes me think you will get THIS one...but I had to try!

    1. hahaha! that is too funny. actually i did get an email notification with your comment on, so i did get to read it, but noticed it didn't show up on the blog. weird! thanks so much for taking the time to re-post another comment!! that was so nice! :)

    2. oh, and i forgot to say too... don't worry--there is PLENTY of things i say i'm going to do and never get around to!!

  5. Lovin' the brown ugar! Volcanoes look like a bunch of messy fun!!!
